Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. - Psalm 34:3 -
Engrandeced al Señor conmigo; y exaltemos a una su nombre. - Salmo 34:3 -

November 3, 2011

Running / Corriendo

It is hard to believe that more than a month has gone by. We are quite busy these days but sometimes it feels like there is nothing going on to tell about. In mid-October Andrea took a 'mandatory vacation' to Costa Rica with her friend Kari so they could renew their visas. It was a nice relaxing time and they even made it to the beach one day despite rainy weather. Here are some photos from her trip.


Es difícil creer que más que un mes ha pasado. Estamos muy ocupados en estes días pero a veces siente que no hay nada para contar. En medio de octubre Andrea tenia una vacación requirido a Costa Rica con su amiga Kari para renovar sus visas. Era un tiempo relajado y fueron al mar un día aunque estaba lloviendo. Aquí están algunas fotos de su viaje.

We are running around trying to get details for the wedding finalized. It is hard to believe it is only 47 days away!  Here is a photo of our German Shepherd, Jamaica. She thinks she's the queen of the house. But who can blame her? Andrea counted the other day how many injections she has had in her short life of only 10 months... 140! The poor girl! She has been quite sick but she is our survivor!


Estamos corriendo para finalizar las detalles para la boda. Es difícil creer que solamente 47 días más! Aquí es una foto de nuestra pastor aleman, Jamaica. Ella cree que ella es la reina de la casa. Pero quien la puede culpar? El otro día Andrea conto cuantos inyeciones Jamaica ha recibido en su vida de solo 10 meses.... 140! La pobrecita! Ella ha estado muy enferma pero es nuestra sobreviviente!


  1. 140! What is her ailment? That is so sad. Is she improving?

    BTW I think the blog is great. My problem is I don't remember to go to check people's blogs, and I don't check Facebook either. I thought that by becoming a "follower" I would get emails letting me know when a new post is made. But that doesn't happen. Do you know if there is anyway that I can get email reminders? I have signed up to follow other missionaries, too, but don't end up going to the blog spot unless they add the link in an email. Any suggestions?

  2. Suzanne, she is just 'delicate'. It started out by the first vet we went to not doing her vaccinations right so then she got really sick with Parvo and possibly Distemper and we had to give her treatments (sometimes 8 shots a day) to get her healthy so we could vaccinate her correctly. Now she just has a cold but it has been hanging around. She has been doing a lot better as long as we can keep on top of it all. Thankfully vet care is cheap in Nicaragua. Our vet is great, they are Christians and only charge for the medicines and not the service. We have sort of become friends with them. :)

    About the blog, I'm not sure. I've also wondered the same before. I will try to research it and let you know.
