Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. - Psalm 34:3 -
Engrandeced al Señor conmigo; y exaltemos a una su nombre. - Salmo 34:3 -

April 5, 2012

Washington DC

So it has been a VERY long time since a blog update! Our apologies. Shortly after getting settled into our house as a married couple, Andrea's computer met it's end.... and unfortunately all of our photos were on it. We were able to rescue the information and photos but it has been a patient process. We thankfully have Orlando's computer but it isn't the most reliable and has a mutual hate - hate relationship with Andrea. Thankfully we were able to replace Andrea's computer a few weeks ago, but we have so much that has been happening that we want to share with you so please be patient with us as we try to find the time to get everything uploaded and written out. In the meantime, enjoy this slideshow from Andrea's recent trip to Washington DC to visit her oldest sister for a week. :)


Ha sido MUCHO tiempo desde el ultimo blog! Disculpen. Un poco después de mudarnos a nuestra propia casa como una pareja casada, la computadora de Andrea se murió.... lastimademente con todas nuestras fotos. Pudimos rescatar la información y las fotos pero ha sido un proceso con mucha paciencia. Damos gracias que tenemos la computadora de Orlando pero no es la mas fiable y tiene una relación mutua de odio-odio con Andrea. Damos gracias que pudimos reemplazar la computadora de Andrea hace algunas semanas, pero tenemos tanto que ha pasado y para compartir con ustedes entonces por favor tengan paciencia con nosotros mientras que buscamos el tiempo para cargar y escribir todo. Mientras, disfrutan este slideshow de un viaje reciente que tuvo Andrea a Washington DC para visitar a su hermana mayor por una semana.

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