Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. - Psalm 34:3 -
Engrandeced al Señor conmigo; y exaltemos a una su nombre. - Salmo 34:3 -

October 22, 2012

Improvising / Improvisando

The Compassion project at our church celebrated their 4th anniversary at the end of September. Our dance kids had been asking us to learn a particular dance for this event, but they had also told us the event was in November. So you can imagine our surprise when we were surprised 10 days before the event that we needed to teach them a dance we had yet to learn ourselves! They are a great group of kids and helped us put it all together, which was probably a great learning experience for them.

In the end they ended up performing, Arrebato by Nancy Amancio. They were very nervous as they hadn't had a lot of time to practice it and two either didn't show or backed out at the last minute. It was ok because those two hadn't really practiced but it was a very calculated choreography that needed the right number of people. We thought that we were going to be able to fill in for them as we have on occasion in the past, but someone from Compassion came and it was to only be the kids. Alas, they did a great job for what they could. There were some obvious communication errors during the performance, but some told us that it was the best choreography they have seen yet. We hope to be more prepared in the future, but are still proud of our kids for getting over their nerves and giving their best shot. We are currently working on a drama for dental hygiene... dancing mouths and toothbrushes anyone? :)


El proyecto de Compassion en nuestra iglesia celebró su 4to aniversario al final de septiembre. Nuestro grupo de danza nos estaba pidiendo aprender una danza particular para este evento, pero también nos habian dicho que el evento estaba programado para noviembre. Entonces pueden imaginar nuestra sorpresa cuando supimos 10 días antes del evento que teníamos que enseñarles una danza que aún no hemos aprendido nosotros mismos! Son un grupo increíble de niños y nos ayudaron a finalizarla, la cual fue un gran experiencia para aprender para ellos.

Al final, hicieron una coreografía de Arrebato de Nancy Amancio. Estaban muy nerviosos porque no tuvieron mucho tiempo para practicar y dos no salieron en el ultimo momento. Estuvo bien porque ellos dos realmente no habian practicado pero es una coreografía que necesita un numero specifico. Pensabamos que ibamos a salir con ellos como hemos hecho a veces en el pasado, pero alguien de Compassion vino y solo pudieron salir los niños. Ni modo, hicieron un buen trabajo con lo que pudieron. Habia algunos fallas de communicación muy obvias durante la presentación, pero algunos nos dijeron que fue la mejor coreografiá que han visto. Esperamos estar más preparados en el futuro, pero estamos muy orgullosos de nuestros niños por conquistar sus nervios y dar su mejor esfuerzo. Actualmente, estamos haciendo un drama de higiene dental.... bocas y cepillos de dientes bailando? :)

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