Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. - Psalm 34:3 -
Engrandeced al Señor conmigo; y exaltemos a una su nombre. - Salmo 34:3 -

January 14, 2014

Bayardo Needs Our Help

***Update 1/17/2014***
We have confirmations of enough funds for Bayardo's operation. If anyone was still planning on giving, it will be used to help with transportation costs for the operation as well as helping Bayardo's family since he has been out of work for 6 weeks and will have another 4-6 weeks recovering.

**Update 1/14/2014**
An anonymous supporter has offered to match all donations, dollar for dollar, 
up to $1500 if donated by the end of the week.

The Story…

One day while Bayardo was at work in the market he was lowering merchandise from high up and the rice sacks he was standing on gave out and he fell 9-12 feet. Everything came falling on top of him and he broke his lower right leg. He went to the local hospital where they grabbed and twisted his leg all to tell him that they couldn’t take an x-ray. He then went to the hospital in a neighboring town where he found out both bones were broken and offset; he was admitted to await surgery. The following day the hospital lost his file and according to them he wasn’t really there. In waiting for his operation, he was told that there were no materials, as he would need screws to hold his two broken bones in place. A few days later they decided to go ahead and just put the bones together and cast his leg, hoping that it would fuse itself together. He was sent home to wait for a month. He recently went back to see how his bones were healing and the bones had pulled away from each other. The doctor even asked if it they had taken a new x-ray or if it was the original one from a month ago because there was absolutely no progress. This time they so kindly told him to take a pill because it was going to hurt and began manipulating his leg trying to get the bones back together; then they re-casted it. He was sent home with a very unassuring “We think we felt it go into place”. He was told to wait another month to check on the progress. 

Who is Bayardo?

Bayardo is a very well respected man in our church as well as in the community at large. He is only 36 years old and has a wife and daughter. They have a small business – a venta (small mercantile that is run out of their house) – but with him not being able to work it is not doing well and they are struggling to support their family. He is a deacon in our church and he is also entering into his second year of seminary studying Visión Pastoral (Pastoral Vision) with the purpose of learning how to preach. With his broken leg he is unable to travel to Managua for class and may have to suspend his studies. 

How we've responded...

When Bayardo shared with us that his leg was not progressing, we felt moved to try and help him. So this morning we took him to a private hospital in Managua to be checked out by an orthopedist. They took a new x-ray which showed that his bones are touching, but not aligned. (They look like they have just been jammed together.) One has a 15 degree angle and the other a 20 degree angle. If it is left as it is within a few years he will not be able to walk. The doctor says since it has now been over a month since the injury, we only have about 15 days to do something. 


How you can help...

Bayardo needs a very special and extensive surgery where they will re-break his bones and put a plate on both bones so he will be able to walk again. The cost of the operation is going to be $2,500 - $3,000 (much more than we anticipated). He needs this operation as soon as possible (within 15 days). We know that all of us go through difficult times, and we also know that the Lord uses these trials to grow us. We can testify to a huge growth we have already seen in Bayardo through this process. We are also called to help those in need and so we ask you to prayerfully consider helping in some way so that Bayardo may be able to have the operation and walk again. We are also trying to raise money here locally in Nicaragua, but it would be impossible to raise all that is needed especially in the limited time of 15 days. If twelve people give $100, eight people give $75, nine people give $50, and ten people give $25 we will reach the minimum of $2,500 needed to help Bayardo.
Donations may be sent to Str8way Ministries with a note attached indicating that it is for "The Silvas to help with Bayardo’s operation":
Str8way Ministries
4300 Paradise Valley Road
Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805
If you would like information for direct-deposit donations, please contact us for more information. 

Thank you for considering helping Bayardo, may the Lord bless you for your contribution.
with love,
Andrea and Orlando

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